First illustration project of the semester

This is the version of my inferior brain with cranial nerves that I turned in for our assignment. There are still a few changes I will make later to make it ready for my portfolio, such as cleaning up the cross hatching on the cerebellum, where there are too many lines of too many different directions, and changing the highlights by widening some on the left and removing some on the right. I am glad we had this assignment because I really like this style of illustration. Though we won’t have any more assignments that specifically call for this “pen and ink” technique, I plan on practicing it on my own and developing my style. This piece doesn’t have quite the look I am striving for, but it’s a good start. I want to work on my eyelash lines, which vary in weight as they cross an object, becoming thickest where the core shadow lies on the form, and thinning out again as the line crosses the highlight and reflected light on thew form.

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